Beware of the “Your Website Needs Reworking” Emails: Here’s What You Need to Know

custom website design services

custom website design servicesLet’s talk about those unsolicited emails that pop up in your inbox, the ones from web design companies promising you the world with custom website design services. We’ve all seen them: “Your website needs reworking!” or “We can give your site a total makeover.” Sounds tempting, right? But before you jump at the opportunity, let’s dive into why these offers might not be as beneficial as they seem.

The Temptation of the “Perfect” Website

Recently, one of our clients decided to take the bait from one of these unsolicited emails. They switched to a new web company, enticed by the promise of a sleek upgrade. On the surface, everything looked great—the new site was visually appealing, modern, and polished. But soon, the cracks began to show.

The client quickly realized that while the design was flashy, it lacked the custom functionality we had painstakingly tailored for them. It was a classic case of prioritizing style over substance, and it ended up costing them time, money, and the functionality that their business relied on.

This story isn’t unique. Many businesses are lured in by the promise of a new, improved website, only to find out later that they’ve traded away valuable features for aesthetics. So, before you respond to that next “Your website needs reworking” email, here’s what you should keep in mind.

Red Flags to Watch Out For

1. Generic Pitches

Those cold emails you receive are often just that—cold. They’re like throwing darts in the dark, hoping something sticks. These companies don’t really know your business, your unique needs, or the specific goals you’re trying to achieve. They send the same cookie-cutter pitch to countless businesses, with no real understanding of what makes your website work for you.

Without an intimate knowledge of your business, how can they possibly know what your website needs? A one-size-fits-all approach rarely works, especially when it comes to something as crucial as your online presence.

2. The Scare Tactic

Another common strategy these companies use is the scare tactic. They might tell you that your current website is outdated, that it’s a digital dinosaur that’s holding your business back. But here’s the thing: these claims are often exaggerated. Just because your website isn’t the newest or flashiest doesn’t mean it’s ineffective.

It’s important to take these claims with a grain of salt. Often, these companies are more interested in making a sale than genuinely helping your business. Before you start doubting your current setup, take a step back and consider what’s really important: does your website work for your business? Does it meet your needs and the needs of your customers? If the answer is yes, you might not need a complete overhaul after all, maybe instead just a simple design refresh.

3. Cost vs. Value

Switching web providers on a whim can be a costly gamble. Sure, you might end up with a new look, but at what expense? A new website might look good, but if it doesn’t function the way you need it to, or if it sacrifices essential features, it’s not really a win.

A few years ago we posted about a company in Frederick Maryland that was a wedding venue and petting zoo and had reached out to us to ask some simple questions and maybe sign up for a website rehaul. They had previously really good SEO rankings for their target niche, but they hired someone right out of college at a discount to remake it and lost all of their rankings. Literally zero business was coming in and they were in a panic. Their business was 100% at risk and they needed a solution fast. This highlights the risk of hiring someone simply because they pitch to you are offer you a really cheap rate.

Consider the cost versus the value. Are you getting a good return on your investment? Will this new website genuinely benefit your business, or are you simply paying for a facelift that won’t improve your bottom line? It’s important to weigh these factors carefully before making a decision.

Before You Jump Ship

So, what should you do if you receive one of these emails and feel tempted by the offer? Here are a few steps to take before making any changes to your website:

1. Chat with Your Current Team for Custom Website Design Services

custom website design servicesFirst and foremost, talk to your current web team. If you’re a Misfit Interactive client, that’s us! We know your website inside and out, and we can give you the real scoop on its performance. We’ll help you assess whether any changes are truly necessary and guide you on the best path forward.

We recently reacquired a client that took the bait of another local company that redesigned their site but lost a bunch of functionality and the ability to update the site on their own. They came back to us once they realized the mistake and thankfully now we can help them be more independent in managing their website.

The old adage of “the grass isn’t always greener” also applies to your current business vendors.

Sometimes, a few tweaks are all that’s needed to refresh your site—there’s no need to start from scratch. We’re always upping our design game and are happy to make adjustments that keep your site current without the cost of a full redesign.

2. Research Is Key

If a new web company does catch your eye, do your homework. Look into their track record, check out their portfolio, and read client reviews (there are many that can get fake reviews, so if you can do your due diligence and look up the business of the reviewer, even better). Make sure they have experience working with businesses like yours and that they’ve delivered results for their clients.

Research is key to avoiding costly mistakes. The more you know about a company before you commit, the better positioned you’ll be to make an informed decision.

3. Understand the Offer

Finally, make sure you fully understand what’s being offered. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of a new design, but will this change genuinely benefit your business? Ask for specifics about what’s included in the redesign and how it will improve your site’s functionality, user experience, and overall performance.

Remember, a flashy exterior doesn’t always mean a better engine under the hood. You need to ensure that any changes made will support your business goals, not just provide a temporary aesthetic boost.

Our Approach at Misfit Interactive

At Misfit Interactive, we believe in a partnership approach, not random sales pitches. We’re here to grow with you, offering genuine advice and tailor-made solutions that meet your unique needs. No scare tactics, no cookie-cutter designs—just honest, straightforward support. We want to build a business relationship with you.

When we recommend changes, it’s because we believe they’ll genuinely benefit your business, not because we’re trying to make a quick sale. We’re committed to helping you achieve your goals and ensuring that your website is an asset to your business.


Those unsolicited “Your website needs reworking” emails might be tempting, but they often promise more than they can deliver. Before you jump at the chance for a redesign, take the time to assess your current site, research any new companies, and understand exactly what’s being offered.

At Misfit Interactive, we’re always here to help you navigate these decisions. Whether you need a full redesign or just a few tweaks, we’ve got you covered. Remember, a successful website isn’t just about looking good—it’s about working well for your business.

If you have any doubts or just want to chat about your website, we’re just an email or call away.


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