Misfit Interactive is happy to announce that we have developed a vendor referral program that benefits both future and past clients. We love developing relationships with our clients and supporting their growth and business, and our new referral program allows us to do just that.
What sort of discounts are we offering? It’s pretty simple!
For our existing clients:
For referring new business to us, you can get a a custom discount based on what services you currently use with us. Whether it is web hosting, maintenance work, social media management, or PPC Marketing, we can create a discount package covering any of your services for each referral.
For referred and/or new business:
- If you were referred to us by one of our existing clients, you are entitled to a 10% discount on any of our services that we provide. In return you will also ensure the vendor that referred you also gets their own discount mentioned above.
- If we refer you to one of our existing clients in this list, they are also willing to provide you with a 10% discount on all of their services. Just tell them that Misfit referred you and you want to participate in the vendor referral program.
So contact us or any of our preferred vendors today and get referral discounts on your next project!